In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
* Hadith: Islam and Athletics
* Wafa Sultan: Reformist or Opportunist? (InFocus)
- CA: Museum of Tolerance to be Built on Muslim Cemetery
* FIFA Forbids Head Scarves for Muslim Soccer Players (AP)
* CAIR Director: Educate Others About Islam (Detroit FP)
- CAIR Video Contest to Promote Mutual Understanding
* CAIR-San Antonio: Cops Schooled on Islam (Express-News)
- CAIR-CAN Condemns Torture (National Post)
* An Islamic Opinion on Abortion (Columbia Daily Tribune)
- Islam and the Environment - Do No Harm (KC Star)
- Islam and Food Abstinence (NY Newsday)
The Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) wife Ayesha said: "I had a footrace with (the Prophet) and outran him. When I became heavier, I had a (another) race with him and he outran me."
Sunan of Abu-Dawood, Hadith 1079
By Abdussalam Mohamed, InFocus, March 2007
While Sultan's admirers have nothing but praise for her, detractors charge that many of her public claims do not corroborate with facts. Moreover, they assert that the reasons behind her rise to fame have more to do with her personal life than with her desire to reform Islam.
Adnan Halabi*, a Syrian expatriate who met and got to know the Sultans when they first came to the United States, spoke at length about the Wafa Sultan that very few people know.
According to Halabi, Dr. Wafa Ahmad (her maiden name) arrived in California with her husband Moufid (now changed to David) in the late 80s on a tourist visa. Contrary to what she told the New York Times, they came as a couple, leaving their two children back in Syria.
Another source named Nabil Mustafa, also Syrian, told InFocus that he was introduced to Moufid Sultan through a personal friend who knew the family well, and both ended up having tea at the Sultans' one-bedroom apartment one evening in 1989. It was then that Moufid told Mustafa the story of how he was reunited with his two children. According to Mustafa, Moufid Sultan told him that a short time after they arrived in the country, his wife, Dr. Wafa Sultan, mailed her passport back to her sister Ilham Ahmad in Syria (while the passport still carried a valid U.S. tourist visa). With Ilham bearing a resemblance to her sister Wafa, the plan was to go to the Mexican Embassy in Damascus and obtain a visa to Mexico, making sure that the airline carrier they would book a flight on would have a layover somewhere in the Continental United States.
With an existing U.S. visa on Wafa Sultan's passport, Ilham Ahmad had no trouble obtaining an entry permit to Mexico. Shortly after, Ilham and Wafa's two children landed in Houston, Texas. She and the children then allegedly made their way through customs and were picked up by Moufid and brought to California.
Taking advantage of an amnesty law for farmers, the Sultans applied for permanent residency through a Mexican lady who worked as a farm hand. She helped Moufid with the paperwork by claiming he had worked as a farmer for four years. The application went through and the Sultans obtained their green cards.
As incredible as the story sounds, Mustafa told InFocus that to the best of his recollection, this was the exact account he heard from Moufid Sultan. Halabi, who is not acquainted with Mustafa, corroborated the story, which he heard from Dr. Wafa Sultan herself but with fewer details. Dr. Wafa Sultan declined InFocus' repeated requests to be interviewed or comment on the allegations. InFocus contacted the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to check on the veracity of the story but an official said that they would look into the allegations, which could take months to investigate.
Halabi alleges that Ilham Ahmad lived as illegal resident with her sister Wafa for years until she met an Arab Christian named Khalid Musa Shihadeh whom she ended up marrying (they were married in Nevada on 12/8/1991 and filed for divorce in 2002). It was during that time that Halabi got to know the Sultans well.
Halabi alleges that the Sultans lived in dire poverty. "Their rent was over $1,000 per month and Moufid was only making $800," he said. Dr. Wafa Sultan was forced to rent out a room in her apartment and work at a pizza parlor in Norwalk, Calif. where a personal friend used to pick her up and drop her off daily. This same friend used to help the Sultans out with groceries and occasionally loaned them money just so they could make it through the month. "It was a serious struggle," Halabi recalled. "The Sultans lived hand to mouth for years on end." Further, Halabi said that at no point during the period he knew the family did Sultan ever discuss religion, politics or any topic relevant to her current activities. "She is a smart woman, articulate and forceful, but she never meddled in religion or politics to the extent she is doing now," Halabi said.
As to the claim that her professor (thought to be Yusef Al-Yusef) was gunned down before her eyes in a faculty classroom at the University of Aleppo, Halabi said the incident never took place. "There was a professor who was killed around 1979, that is true, but it was off-campus and Sultan was not even around when it happened," he added.
InFocus contacted the University of Aleppo and spoke to Dr. Riyad Asfari, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, who confirmed Halabi's account. "Yes, the assassination took place off-campus," he said. Dr. Asfari was keen to add that no one had ever been killed in a classroom anytime or anywhere at the university.
Syrian expatriate Ghada Moezzin, who attended the University of Aleppo in 1979 as a sophomore, told InFocus that she never heard of the assassination. "We would've known about the killing if it had happened," she said. "It would have been big news on campus and I do not recall ever hearing about it." Moezzin, who lives in Glendora, Calif., added that government security was always present around the university given the political climate in Syria at the time.
What are perceived as inconsistencies and half-truths like these convince Sultan's critics that the motive behind her invectives against Islam and Muslims is other than her alleged desire for reform. (MORE)
By Abdussalam Mohamed, InFocus, March 2007
LOS ANGELES -- The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center has raised at least $200 millions, mainly from American donors, to build a Museum of Tolerance on the Ma'am Allah cemetery, a site believed to contain the remains of dozens of companions of Prophet Muhammad as well as thousands of Jerusalemite Muslims. (MORE)
Ottawa girl's ejection sparked debate
Associated Press, 3/3/07
MANCHESTER, England - Soccer's legislators have ruled that no player can wear a head scarf on the field.
The International Football Association Board was asked at its annual meeting Saturday to adjudicate on a decision to ban an 11-year-old Muslim girl from playing in a tournament near Montreal last weekend because she was wearing a head scarf.
"If you play football there's a set of laws and rules, and law four outlines the basic equipment," said Brian Barwick, chief executive of the English Football Association, which is one of the IFAB members.
"It's absolutely right to be sensitive to people's thoughts and philosophies, but equally there has to be a set of laws that are adhered to, and we favour law four being adhered to."
Law four lists the items a player is entitled to wear and head scarves are not mentioned.
Goalkeepers are allowed to wear caps and protective headguards.
Asmahan Mansour was told to either remove her hijab or leave the field in an under-12 tournament near Montreal. (MORE)
CONTACT FIFA: (As always, be POLITE.),,
NIRAJ WARIKOO, Detroit Free Press, 2/2/07
A prominent Islamic leader told a group of Muslims in a Detroit mosque on Friday that they should educate non-Muslims about Islam and spread the truth of their faith.
Nihad Awad, executive director and co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said during Friday prayers at the Islamic Center of Detroit that Muslims should try to "communicate the beauty of Islam to others."
Muslims in America have a unique opportunity to spread Islam, he told the crowd.
"To be a Muslim in America is something unique, something beautiful, something serious, and something promising, and something that is really challenging," Awad said. "Most of our neighbors and fellow Americans do not know one-hundredth of one percent of what you know about your religion. What they know is negative�what they see on television every day�People are hungry and thirsty to know the beauty of and learn about Islam."
Awad also urged the crowd to excel in their work, saying that Islam encourages it.
"You have to excel," Awad said. "That's the mentality of Muslims, and that's why Islam has spread through cultures and history."
Awad said that while Muslims may face challenges in the U.S., their problems are nothing compared to the challenges faced by early Muslims who were a minority "persecuted and isolated."
The council is the biggest civil rights and advocacy group in the U.S. Awad is speaking at the Islamic Center again tonight and at the Huda center in Franklin Hills on Saturday.
During his talk, Awad talked about the challenges faced by early believers of Islam in spreading their faith around the world.
"Learn to persevere," Awad told the crowd. And "think about what's going on beyond your borders�have an open and universal look at the world." (MORE)
Arab American News, 3/3/07
WASHINGTON - The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said it will offer two $5,000 prizes for videos up to one minute long that are the most effective in promoting interfaith understanding and communicating the contest theme of "Let the Conversation Begin."
"Our video contest theme is a reflection both of CAIR's mission and of our belief that people of all faiths in America and around the world must begin talking to each other to help build trust and respect for differences," said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad.
Awad said one prize will be awarded to a member of America's Muslim community whose video is deemed most effective at promoting mutual understanding between American Muslims and people of other faiths. The other prize will be awarded to a person of any faith, anywhere in the world, whose video is most effective at promoting mutual understanding between the Islamic World and America.
Lisa Marie G�mez, Express-News, 3/3/07
To remain sharp on the city's streets, San Antonio police officers regularly hit the shooting range, test their reflexes on the driving course and learn new ways to defend themselves.
But being tough and alert is not enough. These days, police officers must also learn to be sensitive.
As part of a new state mandate by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, police departments now require classes on Middle Eastern culture in the list of cultural diversity training sessions.
An estimated 20,000 Muslims now live in the San Antonio area. That means there is a greater chance than before that police will encounter someone of the Muslim religion - for reasons ranging from a routine traffic violation to investigating a hate crime.
Police Chief William McManus has introduced the idea that police officers should know good "customer service," a concept that's trickled into the classrooms at the San Antonio Police Academy. The goal is equal treatment for all San Antonians - not just Muslims but people of different religions, races, creeds and sexual orientation.
To that end, the department for the first time is turning to people who know those communities and cultures firsthand. So far, two classes on Middle Eastern culture have been taught at the academy. Two Muslim women, both wearing a hijab, were brought in to conduct the training.
Diversity coordinator Officer Ruben P. Cerda, a 32-year veteran of the force, concedes that it can be a challenge to make officers really wrap their minds around the subject of Middle Eastern culture and traditions.
"They'll say things like, 'I'm doing my job, so why do I need to learn this?' and I have to tell them, 'Wait a minute guys, if you don't follow protocol, you could get in trouble,'" Cerda said. "But if you watch them during the presentation, they start asking interesting questions, and they really get into it.
"I think they come away from it learning a thing or two, and they appreciate it."
Cerda turned to Sarwat Husain, president of the San Antonio chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and Narjis Pierre, president of the San Antonio Muslim Women's Association. Both have conducted numerous sensitivity training sessions to educate people about their traditions. (MORE)
Sameer Zuberi, National Post, 3/3/07
Re: Just like Maher arar. Except ?, Tarek Fatah, Feb. 28.
Tarek Fatah says he sent a letter to the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CAN) on the alleged torture of Mohammed Al-Attar, the Canadian- Egyptian accused of spying for Israel. It should be noted that Mr. Fatah's letter was never received by CAIR-CAN.
The position of CAIR-CAN on torture has always been that we condemn it, regardless of who the victim is or the charges laid against them.
Moreover, we have always pressed the government to protect Canadians and all persons from torture. Oftentimes it is employed by captors to extract false confessions, which are later used against others or in court. Canada must ensure that testimony acquired under torture is rendered inadmissible; not doing so only legitimizes its use.
CAIR-CAN will continue to demand that all people are free from torture, are treated humanely and are considered innocent until proven guilty.
Sameer Zuberi, communications coordinator, Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations, Ottawa.
Columbia Daily Tribune, 3/3/07
Islam: Imam Nabeel Khan from the Islamic Center of Central Missouri said abortion is not allowed in the Muslim faith except in circumstances when the mother's life is in danger, the child is known to suffer from severe disease or disability, or the pregnancy was a result of incest or rape. The abortion must be performed within 120 days - the day on which Muslims believe the soul enters the body - or it is considered a grave sin. He added this view is that of more mainstream Muslims and that religious scholars vary on their opinion of when abortion is permissible.
The Kansas City Star, 3/3/07
Do no harm
Rushdy El-Ghussein, former president of the Islamic Society of Greater Kansas City: Muslims believe that God entrusted human beings to act as his agents in this life. One aspect of this responsibility is to take care of the environment. The environment belongs to all of us, and none of us will escape the effects of its mistreatment. In the same token, all of us will benefit from being good environmental stewards.
Muslims are taught to conserve, protect and guard the environment. For example, when the prophet taught Muslims to perform Wudu (ablution), he said to conserve the water even if we are beside a river. I do recall that a Muslim leader instructed his soldiers not to cut a tree or poison water, even if it feeds or benefits an enemy or his animals. By valuing and preserving the environment, we are honoring God for the responsibility that he has given us. We are thanking him for the bounties that he bestowed upon us. We are acknowledging God's creativity and showing our appreciation for this. Moderation is a virtue that should be encouraged in our daily life.
As religious people we are forbidden from harming ourselves. Harming the environment harms us. If we do not protect and share the abundance in this world, we will fall into the trap of selfishness, which brings nothing but destruction and hopelessness. Let us not be of those who are selfish and narcissistic.
Newsday (New York), 3/3/07
Dr. Hafizur Rehman, president of Masjid Darul Quran, Bay Shore, and Council of Mosques of Long Island:
There is a great transformation that takes place in the majority of the Muslims as they eagerly await the month of Ramadan every year. The ninth month of the Islamic calendar represents a great opportunity in the spiritual experience of one's life. The real intention is to seek the greater pleasure of the Lord. It's not only hunger and thirst, but when the intention is pure and sincere it's your "closeness" to Allah that brings satisfaction and peace in one's self. You feel God is watching you observe his command, and you literally feel his pleasure and his rewards coming your way. Along with hunger and thirst, there also must come the fast of the eye, the ear, the tongue, the mind and every other part and sense of the body, so that it's a fast of everything but the presence of God. It helps you identify with the poor and the hungry of the world, and it drives you to maximize your charity. Fasting is a great exercise for the body, for it regiments your every single act. Limited and timely eating - coupled with lengthy prayers each night - tunes the body to its best.
Council on American-Islamic Relations
453 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
Tel: 202-488-8787, 202-744-7726
Fax: 202-488-0833
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